Production Forms

On this page:

  • Student Film Production Insurance Information & Forms
  • Casting Forms
  • Production Management Forms

Student Film Production Insurance

The Department of Cinema and Media Arts in collaboration with Risk Management Services (RMS) has created an online application for student productions to request insurance coverage through the York University insurance program.

All third and fourth year fiction students, as well as graduate students, who are creating productions must complete this application and receive approval from their Course Director and Risk Management in order to qualify for coverage under York University.

Students whose applications have been approved will be covered for the following while performing course-related activities:

  • injury liabilities;
  • losses and/or damages to rented equipment and locations;
  • losses and/or damages to equipment borrowed from York University;
  • losses and/or damages to the production product;
  • claims alleging unauthorized use of titles, format, ideas, characters and plots (i.e. plagiarism); and
  • alleged libel, slander, defamation of character or invasion of privacy.

York University insurance coverage does not provide protection to students for:

  • intentional acts;
  • losses and/or damages to their own equipment or home;
  • Losses, and/or damages that that are not related to a course required production; and
  • rental vehicle damages and/or liabilities.


A deductible is the amount of money a student will have to pay out of pocket before the University’s insurance coverage will take effect. Damage to York equipment, as well as leased and rented property will result in students having to pay the following:

  • Injury liabilities – no deductible
  • Property damage
  • York equipment – $1,000
  • Leased and rented property – $2,500

Insurance Application Process

  • Students complete the Film Production Insurance Application and submit it to their Course Director for approval. All necessary licenses, clearances, and consents from contributing parties should be obtained in writing and attached to the application.
  • The Course Director reviews, signs and forwards the student application to Risk Management.
  • Risk Management provides a letter to student applicants confirming insurance coverage for the production once they are satisfied the application is complete and any high risks have appropriate mitigation plans.

Students should submit their application at least one week prior to the start of filming, as requests will take at least two business days to process.

Exceptions: Locations Where Travel Advisories In Effect

For locations that the Government of Canada has issued travel advisories for, York University’s insurance will deny coverage for any damages and or losses due to government or police action or any action related to civil unrest or war.


Students may secure their own third party coverage at their own expense. Where loss or damage is due to excluded activities listed above, there is no recovery available. The student will most likely have to provide satisfactory proof that the loss was not the result of an excluded activity.

Equipment loans will not be provided to those locations as identified by the Government of Canada without proof of a third party insurance. Students are also encouraged to rent equipment at their chosen destination.

The Department of Cinema & Media Arts reserves the right to determine the amount of equipment and/or substitute the type of equipment that is checked out in these circumstances.

Any student traveling to destinations for curricular based film shoots where travel advisories are in effect are to contact York International as well as their course director to advise of travel plans.

Incident reporting:

If an accident occurs that does or could lead to a claim, as soon as reasonable to do so, please contact Risk Management Services at, or if serious, call (416) 736-5514. After-hours calls will be re-directed to the Risk Manager on call.

Important Information, Forms and Templates

🔗Film Production Insurance Application

🔗YU-Incident Report (Non-Employee)

Production Forms

The following Production Forms are available to download at Film411. Click Here.


Audition prep
Casting sign-in sheet
ACTRA Student Info
ACTRA/York Agreement
DooD cast template
ACTRA Worksheet
Cast agreement union
Cast Agreement non-union

🔗Production Management

Pre-production guide
Pre schedule template
Student finance breakdown
Student finance agreement
Location checklist
Budget template
DooD for crew
Terminology sheet
Crew flow chart
Location info sheet
Location notification letter
Location agreement
Catch all release
DPR Template
Crew Deal Memo
Budget/Cost Report template