Media Arts – Booking Requests

Below you will find links to the forms required to book Gear, Spaces, Key(s) / Access and Software Licenses from the Media Arts program. To access request forms you will need to sign in with a valid YorkU email.

NOTE – As many students are working on their final projects gear is in very high demand. Gear bookings are now limited to ‘week day’ OR ‘weekend’ bookings. If gear is checked out on a Monday to Thursday the return date is Friday by 11:00 am. If gear is checked out on a Friday the return date is Monday by 11:00 am.

Limited exceptions might be possible depending on demand and circumstances.

Request Forms

Gear Booking Request Form

Space Booking Request Form


Booking Agreement Policy

Student Production Agreement


Media Arts Logos/Bumpers Download Link

Student Support/Pickup Hours

William Michael Irwin (WmMSI)- CFA030/Betaspace

Monday-Friday (except Holidays): 10am-5pm